Vivaldi - Gloria & Concerto for Two Trumpets in C Major - Chichester

Trumpeters Russell Gilmour and William Russell travelled to Chichester on Saturday 5th November 2016, to be involved in a concert entitled ‘Gloria’, hosted by the choir 'Chichester Voices’ and their director Andrew Naylor. The all-Vivaldi programme was performed in St. George’s Church on Cleveland Road and featured Vivaldi’s: ‘Magnificat’, ‘Concerto for Two Trumpets in C Major’, ‘Beatus Vir’, ‘Concerto for Lute in D Major’ (played by Michael Walsh) and the ‘Gloria’.

The choral works were punctuated with incredible arias and duets from soloists Susan Gilmour Bailey (Soprano) and Alexandra Gibson (Mezzo Soprano). They sang beautifully, purely and expertly together. The choir did an excellent job and they were very vocally agile throughout the whole concert.

Will and I received congratulations from several members of the audience for our performance in the 'Vivaldi Double’ trumpet concerto. We also received this pleasing comment from the director in his post-concert e-mail of thanks. Many thanks for having us!

"And then our 'Natural' trumpeters, Will & Russell - well need I say more! You enthralled the audience and certainly if the emails and texts I have been receiving are any measure, you can come back any time. Totally professional, relaxed and great conveyors of the love of playing."

This concert supported the local charity Dementia Support. This charity works to improve the lives of the individuals and families of those affected by this disease in West Sussex.


I had never been to Chichester before - and I had brought my Brompton with me - so I enjoyed exploring before ether rehearsal began.

Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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