Handel - Coronation Anthems - St. Martin-in-the-Fields

I played two of Handel’s Coronation Anthems with St. Martin’s Voices (directed by Andrew Earis) at St. Martin-in-the-Fields on Monday 6th May 2024. I played first trumpet with Rebecca Toal on second. I came directly from an Aurora Orchestra rehearsal at Henry Wood Hall, where I had been playing Beethoven’s 'Eroica' symphony (from memory), ahead of performances at the Apex in Bury St Edmunds, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Snape Maltings and Norwich Cathedral this week.

In addition to the Handel, the performance at St. Martin-in-the-Fields featured:

Bennet – 'All creatures now' from The Triumphs of Oriana (1601)
Weelkes – 'As vesta was' from The Triumphs of Oriana (1601)
Parry – 'Who can dwell with greatness' from Choral Songs for Queen Victoria (1899)
Bridge – 'For all the wonder of thy regal day' from Choral Songs for Queen Victoria (1899)
Ireland – 'The Hills' from A Garland for the Queen (1953)
Finzi – 'White flowering days' from A Garland for the Queen (1953)


Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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